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This is a question we’ve received from a few customers and I wanted to share the info here for folks to use.

Total number of assets (can be broken down by type by adding query=type%3AHOST, for example):

curl -X GET "<INSERT WORKSPACE_ID>&query=%2A&pageSize=100&fields=type" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Censys-Api-Key: <INSERT ASM_API_KEY>"

Total number of new assets (can be broken down by asset type as described above, edit the association_date as needed:

curl -X GET "<INSERT WORKSPACE_ID>&query=association_date%3A%20%5Bnow-24h%20TO%20now%5D&pageSize=100&fields=type" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Censys-Api-Key: <INSERT ASM_API_KEY>"

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