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Censys’s integration with Qualys VMDR Automatically add new hosts to your Qualys VMDR environment for vulnerability scans. With this connection, you can view and add Censys-discovered unknown hosts to Qualys asset groups.

Below are sample API calls and links back to the Qualys API docs that are used in the integration. Please note that the calls differ based on Qualys User Permissions:

  • If the user is a Unit Manager, the call to add IP to a subscription must include ag_title (Asset group title) and the actions of “Add IP to subscription” and “Add IP to asset group” will happen in one request.
  • If the user is a Manager, the call to add IP to a subscription does not include ag_title, and the actions of “Add IP to subscription” and “Add IP to asset group” will happen in two requests.

For all requests use header Accept: application/xml

Unit Manager:

  1. Add IP to subscription and asset group:
  • https://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>
  • Feel free to change the ag_title and/or ips as needed
  • Docs


Add IP to subscription

  • https://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>
  • Feel free to change the ips as needed
  • Docs

Add IP to asset group:

  • https://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>
  • Feel free to change id and/or add_ips as needed
  • This one would only be used if the user is a Manager
  • Docs
  • Permissions

Unit Manager/Manager
Remove IP from asset group:

  • https://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>
  • Feel free to change id and/or remove_ips as needed
  • Docs
  • Permissions


Remove IP from subscription

  • Censys does not remove assets from subscriptions and only removes assets from Asset Groups. We have 
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