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Hey there! My name is Matt Korovesis and I am the Technical Community and Education Manager at Censys. I’ve worked in the security world for a little under 10 years. I’m very passionate about providing our users with the resources they need in order to succeed with using Censys tools--that includes everything from short product videos to long-form lessons and instructor-led training.

Apart from all that work stuff, I’m very interested in organic farming. My partner and I have a small organic farm that we run where we grow a lot of veggies, herbs, flowers, eggs. You can see a little slice of our farm from early summer in the pic below!

My favorite things to grow are pumpkins, peppers, and potatoes. If you have a favorite garden veggie that you like to cultivate, I’d love to hear about it! You can also ask me just about anything about Censys and our lovely Community.

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