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The following enhancements and improvements are now available to Censys ASM and Search customers.

Censys ASM

  • Receive actionable alerts about changes to your attack surface with Saved Query Automation
    • Saved Query Automation enables you to send an alert to your integrations when an asset is added to or removed from a saved query. For example, you can configure ASM to send alerts when new risks are detected on assets or tags are newly added to assets. 
    • This initial release features support for email alert delivery. Support for webhooks, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Webex is forthcoming. 
    • Learn more in this short lesson in the Censys Academy.
    • Saved Query Automation is available to Censys ASM Advanced and Enterprise customers.
  • Web entities that are sourced from Cloud Connectors will now be updated multiple times per day. Previously these assets were updated approximately once a day.
  • Implemented an update to ensure that non-public assets are not ingested from Cloud Connectors.

Rapid Response

The Censys Rapid Response team published information about and queries for the following vulnerability:

Search and ASM Fingerprints


Added the following fingerprints:

Type Name Category Description Censys Search Censys ASM Query
software Elkor Web Management Web Management Interface A web-based management platform for managing online content and operations.'elkor' and product='Elkor')'elkor' and product='Elkor')
software MOVEit Transfer SFTP Managed File Transfer An SFTP client for the MOVEit managed file transfer service.'progress' and product='Progress')'progress' and product='Progress')
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