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The following enhancements and improvements are now available to Censys ASM and Search customers.

Censys ASM

  • You can now use Saved Query Automation with our Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Webex integrations to receive actionable alerts about changes to your attack surface.
    • This update builds upon the support for email alert delivery with Saved Query Automation released in early July. 
    • Learn more about Saved Query Automation in this short lesson in the Censys Academy.
    • Saved Query Automation for Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Webex are available to Censys ASM Enterprise customers. Saved Query Automation for email is available to all ASM customers.
  • Use our new ServiceNow Vulnerability Response (VR) integration to incorporate Censys data into your existing risk prioritization workflow and send Censys-discovered assets and risks to ServiceNow VR. 

Rapid Response

The Censys Rapid Response team published information about and queries for the following issues and vulnerabilities:

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