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The following enhancements and improvements are now available to Censys ASM and Search customers.

Censys ASM

  • Added risks for the following:
    • RegreSSHion RCE vulnerability in OpenSSH Server (CVE 2024-6387) 
    • Exposed Polyfill endpoints.
    • More information about finding at-risk assets related to these issues is described below.

Rapid Response

The Censys Rapid Response team published information about and queries for the following issues and vulnerabilities:

New Fingerprints

Added the following fingerprints:

Type Name Category Description Censys Search Query
software NetSupportManager RAT C2 A NetSupportManager remote access trojan (RAT) server.'NetSupportManager RAT' and product='NetSupportManager RAT')
software Poseidon C2 C2 A Poseidon C2 Server.'Poseidon' and product='Poseidon')
software Rod Stealer C2 C2 A ROD Stealer C2 Server.'ROD Stealer' and product='ROD Stealer')
software Saphira Botnet C2 C2 A Saphira Botnet Server.'Saphira BotNet' and product='Saphira BotNet')
software XWiki Open Source Software XWiki is an open-source wiki software platform.'XWiki' and product='XWiki')

Added the following risk fingerprints to ASM:

Type Name Category and Severity Description Censys ASM Query
risk Exposed Polyfill Supply Chain Attack Endpoint Rapid Response (CVE) - Medium This service is embedding code that references the compromised cdn.polyfille.]io endpoint or related suspicious domains, potentially exposing users to malicious redirects and malware. Note that as of June 27, 2024, the malicious domain is no longer active."Exposed Polyfill Supply Chain Attack Endpoint"
risk Vulnerable OpenSSH CVE-2024-6387 Rapid Response (CVE) - Critical This service is running a vulnerable version of OpenSSH susceptible to CVE-2024-6387 which is a reoccurrence of CVE-2006-5051."Vulnerable OpenSSH rCVE-2024-6387]"


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